Magazine justification

 By evaluating many school magazines I collected data and information to use on my own school magazine. It helped me create an aesthetic, orderly and easy to navigate/ read magazine. A problem I came across when evaluating some of the magazines was that it looked nice but, it was either over the top and distracting or complicated and hard to read- occasionally both. So i tried to avoid these issues, by using easy to read fonts, that still create a nice look for the magazine. I also created a simple layout for both the front cover and the contents page, the front cover is sectioned off so the text isn’t placed in confusing ways and you can clearly see where the masthead is indicating very clearly the school the magazine is for. Along with other important information, such as contact information, is sectioned off into its own area. 

The picture used shows the environment of Thirsk school and what type of learning facilities used, in the background of the photo there is a colourful wall full of school work- showing how fun the education in Thirsk school can be. This helps promise parents and students alike that this will be a nice and nurturing facility for both education and creativity. The book being read by the subject of the photo is a classical book also presenting a good wide range of literature, from old to new. The student shown is clearly focussed and engrossed into the book. 

The photos used on the contents page all relate to one of the subjects listed on the contents page. Not all subjects have a photo for it but if it did it would be confusing to look at. I took a photo of the sixth form canteen as in the questionnaire results it was highly requested.

I tried my best to use all the results I came across in my investigation, but I don’t think even my magazine is perfect- whether its due to the lack of access to certain things and equipment, or not. 
